
VIRAL VIDEO: Oklahoma KFC Airs Sex Scenes On Its TV

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Gerald Whalen and his family of four recently sat down at their local Oklahoma City Kentucky Fried Chicken for a nice family dinner. However, they didn't expect that what they will have will be explicit.

Much to the dismay of the Whalens though, they started to hear loud, sexual moaning from inside the restaurant - so naturally, that’s when Gerald whipped out his cell phone and started making a viral video! Yes, it seems the TV in the restaurant was airing a graphic sex scenes.

"I looked up from my plate, and we're talking full nudity," Gerald Whalen told KOCO-TV.

Whalen said he and his wife tried not to react to the action on screen, which was accompanied by the sounds of heavy breathing, so as not to alert their sons.

"There was a wall to where they couldn't see the TV," he said.

Whalen initially believed the program to be a pornographic film, but it was later identified as a sexually explicit scene from racy Starz show, Outlander.

In a statement, the fast food chain said: 'We apologize for any negative dining experience that may have occurred as a result of the restaurant's TV being changed without awareness or permission to a station showing inappropriate content.'

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